Tariffs and Premiums

The premium payable for your policy is determined by the Compulsory Earthquake Insurance Tariff and Instruction.

To calculate your premium, first of all find the insurance amount (guarantee amount), which determines the highest limit you can receive after the earthquake.

Your premium is the guarantee amount is multiplied by the tariff.

There are 14 tariffs determined based on seven risk groups and two different building types:

Ratios on a regional basis by type of building (‰)

1st Group

2nd Group

3rd Group

4th Group

5th Group

6th Group

7th Group

A- Reinforced concrete








B- Other








Earthquake risk groups are determined using the Turkey Earthquake Zones Map, ground conditions and building characteristics and are published on the Turkish Catastrophe Insurance Pool’s website. 

The definition of the building styles specified in the above tariff is as follows:

A- Reinforced concrete: These structures use steel or reinforced concrete structures.

B- Other: They are structures that do not fall into the above groups.

Insurance premiums are increased each year in parallel with the increase in unit square meter costs.

Insurance premiums are increased each year in parallel with the increase in unit square meter costs.

Click here to calculate your insurance premium.

Account Management

In the calculation of the premium amount to be paid, first of all the insurance amount (guarantee amount) is calculated, which is then multiplied by the tariff. Accordingly, the premium amount to be paid is calculated by multiplying the insurance amount (guarantee amount), which is found by multiplying the unit square meter costs, which are determined each year depending on the type of the building, by the gross surface area of the dwelling and the tariff as determined in the Compulsory Earthquake Insurance Tariff and Instruction.

Insurance premiums increase each year in parallel with the increase in unit square meter costs. Premiums are paid in cash and in advance.

Click to calculate your home's Compulsory Earthquake Insurance (DASK in Turkish) premium.

Sample Premium Table

To help enable everyone to have Compulsory Earthquake Insurance, the TCIP seeks to keep the premiums within the purchasing power of the homeowners.

As of 01 January 2024, the square meter unit costs used in the calculation of the insurance amount (guarantee amount) and determined according to building type were as follows:

Reinforced concrete: TL 6,000

Other: TL 4,000 

(*) The specified costs are revised where necessary and announced in the Official Gazette.

(**) The maximum guarantee amount is TL 1.704.162 for all building types.

Sample premium calculations based on risk zones and building types are set out in the table below:

Premium Amounts According to Risk Zones and Building Types by Region

Housing Premium Amount of a 100 m2 dwelling in all provinces (TL)



Risk Zones Premium (TL)

Building Type









Reinforced Concrete

(100 m2 x TL 8.039) 803.900









(100 m2 x TL 5.359) 535.900








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