You may insure your building, even if it has been damaged in a previous earthquake, depending on the criteria required by the damage category.
These criteria may be summarized as follows:
Damaged buildings are classified in three sections as “Light-Medium-Heavy” by the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization of the Republic of Turkey.
Heavily Damaged Buildings: It is not possible to insure buildings which are condemned for demolition by official institutions and which have been assessed as "heavily damaged".
Moderately Damaged Buildings: Insurance in this category carries the obligation to repair and/or retrofit the buildings. It is possible to insure such buildings provided that the fulfilment of these processes is officially documented and presented with a certificate of conformity issued by the Ministry of Public Works and Settlement, certifying that the building is in a "habitable" condition.
Lightly Damaged Buildings - Buildings without Damage: When insuring these buildings, a statement by the insured person is taken as a basis and the insurance policy is drawn up accordingly.